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Complimentary Financial Health Check with Quigley Financial Brokers

Conleith Quigley financial advisor at Quigley Financial Brokers

Hello, thank you for reaching out to Quigley Financial Brokers.


Please avail of our Complimentary Financial Health Check in association with Zurich Life, a comprehensive report generated instantly, designed to provide you with a starting point for discussion.


Kind regards,

Conleith M. Quigley QFA RPA

How to Avail of the Complimentary Report

The Financial Health Check tool has been developed by Zurich Life to provide you with an engaging way, simple and easy to use, to quickly provide a comprehensive pre-meeting report that can help shape your initial meeting.

To avail of the comprehensive report please message me with your full name, mobile number and email address for Zurich Life.


Zurich Life will forward you a link to complete a questionnaire to generate the report instantly. 

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